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Know. Grow. Go.
Sunday's Schedule
9:00 am - Traditional Worship Service
10:00 am - Sunday School (children/youth/adults)
11:00 am - Contemporary Worship Service
Coupons for Christ Ministry
Because we are a church committed to reaching out to others beyond the walls of our church building, one of our ministries is Coupons for Christ. This ministry provides toiletry and other household items to persons or families in our community needing assistance which are not available or limited through SNAP or the food banks.
Members of our congregation bring coupons throughout the year to be used in the purchase of these supplies. Expired coupons, up to one month past expiration date, are also accepted and are sent to military personnel throughout the world who can use them after their expiration dates. Please feel free to place your donated coupons in the grocery cart in the gathering area of the church.
Our members also bring items they buy during their shopping trips to donate throughout the year. The contact person for this outreach ministry is Sara Woodhead. She may be contacted through the church office at 717.233.0160.
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